The Best Healthy Breakfast Foods to Kickoff our Day with Energy The Best Healthy Breakfast Foods to Kickoff our Day with Energy

Oct 21st 2024

The Best Healthy Breakfast Foods to Kickoff our Day with Energy

Written by Karen Roth, MSNC

Karen is a Certified Nutrition Consultant with a Master’s Degree in Holistic Nutrition. She enjoys sharing her knowledge to empower her clients to take control of their health with food and lifestyle choices.

Starting your day with a nutritious breakfast can set a positive tone for the rest of your day. Here are some of the healthiest breakfast foods that will give you day long energy.

Eggs are an excellent source of high-quality protein and contain essential nutrients like vitamin D and choline. They can help you maintain steady blood sugar while keeping up energy levels. While poached eggs are one of my favorite ways to cook eggs, I don’t always have time. If your mornings are rushed, boil a few eggs, so they are ready to grab and go. If you do have a little time, then scramble a couple of eggs with spinach and pico de gallo. It’s a great way to work in more vegetables and added fiber.

Smoothies can be packed with fruits, vegetables, protein and healthy fats. Choose a protein powder with at least 20 grams of protein. Use milk or any unsweetened milk substitute. Pack the blender with spinach, chia seeds, banana and strawberries.

Oatmeal is rich in fiber, especially beta-glucan a type of soluble fiber which helps keep you full for longer. Oats provide slow-releasing carbs, ensuring sustained energy throughout the morning. Top with fresh berries, nuts or seeds for added flavor and fiber.

Cottage cheese is rich in protein, particularly casein, which digests slowly and helps you stay full longer. A bonus is that it is low in calories while being high in essential nutrients. Top with fresh fruit and nuts or scoop it on top of half of an avocado.

Greek yogurt is high in protein and contains beneficial probiotics that benefit your gut. Top with granola or berries. It can also be added to smoothies. Choose plain unsweetened yogurt and if the berries are not sweet enough, drizzle a little honey and stir it in.

Chia seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and protein. When soaked in liquid, they form a gel-like consistency that can keep you full longer. You can make a chia seed pudding the night before with milk, or milk substitute. Take it out the next day and top with your favorite fruit and nuts.

The breakfast options are not only nutritious but also versatile. Breakfast does not need to be a chore. Consider making some of these options in bulk and spread out throughout the week.