Written by Jolie Root, LPN, LNC
Jolie is the Senior Nutritionist and Educator for Carlson. She travels throughout North America attending medical conferences, lecturing, and educating about the role of nutrition in integrative medicine.
It would be impossible to overstate the incredible role omega-3s play in supporting brain health. The omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA are crucial for normal brain function and development throughout all stages of life.
Any understanding of the brain health benefits of omega-3s starts with brain structure. The adult brain is composed of 50-60% lipids, and DHA is arguably the most important one of all. But the brain benefits begin long before a person reaches adulthood.
DHA Benefits for Children
Omega-3 health benefits begin very early on, while a baby is still in the mother's womb. DHA is needed for healthy brain growth and development. It's also necessary for the formation of healthy nerve cell membranes. DHA benefits baby’s mood too. Infants whose mothers had healthy DHA levels during pregnancy are calmer and tend to sleep through the night sooner. A minimum of 200 mg of DHA is suggested for daily intake before conception and during pregnancy, although recent research suggests 500-1,000 mg daily brings additional health benefits.
DHA is important for moms too, and maternal DHA levels often decrease during pregnancy and nursing, as DHA is transferred to the developing child. Supporting healthy DHA levels can result in a brighter mood for mom.
DHA Benefits for Brain Health
What exactly is DHA doing in the brain? DHA becomes part of the structure of cell membranes. It makes them less rigid, meaning it increases membrane fluidity, which governs cell signaling. Cell signaling is how brain cells communicate. Simply stated brain cell signaling is your thoughts, your ability to retrieve memories, and your emotions.
Amazingly, research discoveries reveal the ability of the brain to reinvent itself constantly, at any and every age. DHA promotes the growth of nerve cells in the brain, and nerve cells are growing and being replaced throughout life. We refer to this as plasticity. Think of it as a lifelong, consistent rebirth of brain matter, which also means better brain function.
DHA Benefits for Adults
For adults, omega-3s support memory, recall, reasoning, and focus. They support brain health as we age too. And let's not forget about EPA, the other beneficial omega-3 for brain health. EPA is very important for supporting a brighter mood. Thus, at every age (childhood, adulthood, and into our senior years), the omega-3s EPA and DHA are important for supporting mood health, learning, memory, and cognitive function.
The right foods such as salmon, tuna, and other cold-water fish, and the right supplements can help support the structure of brain cells and the efficiency of their communication.