Written by Jolie Root, LPN, LNC
Jolie is the Senior Nutritionist and Educator for Carlson. She travels throughout North America attending medical conferences, lecturing, and educating about the role of nutrition in integrative medicine.
I am asked this question all the time: what do you think about krill oil? Is it a better choice than fish oil? My opinion is no… and here’s why.
The Difference Between Krill Oil and Fish Oil
Krill oil and fish oil both supply the beneficial omega-3s EPA and DHA. And companies often taut the enhanced bioavailability of krill oil because it supplies omega-3s in phospholipid form, which they argue enhances the uptake of EPA and DHA. There are some studies that support this claim, so as a nutritionist, why don’t I switch my loyalties from fish oil to krill oil?
In the short term, krill-derived omega-3s may have better uptake, but over a period of weeks or months, the fish-oil-derived omega-3s reach the same levels. And that’s the real issue. Where will our omega-3 levels be after long-term supplementation? They’ll be almost exactly the same. BUT (and it’s a big but) the fish oil customer spent far less money to get there.
The Cost Difference Between Krill Oil and Fish Oil
Compare the cost of a 1,000 mg dose of EPA and DHA from krill oil to the cost of the same dose supplied by fish oil. Krill is much more expensive – sometimes more than double. And beyond expense, we must consider the environmental impact of over-harvesting.
The Environmental Impact of Harvesting Krill
Krill is a major food source for whales, seals, penguins, and squid. It’s concerning to disrupt the food chain in such an unnecessary manner. I feel we should leave the krill for the many species that depend on them for survival.
Studies that fairly compare omega-3 forms show that whether you use a fish, krill, or algal source, the dose needed to reach target omega-3 levels is the same. There is simply no justification for spending more than you need to in order to raise your omega-3 levels to the ideal Omega-3 Index target of 8 percent.