​Help Energize Your Body for Black Friday ​Help Energize Your Body for Black Friday

Nov 22nd 2019

​Help Energize Your Body for Black Friday

Written by Karen Roth, MSNC

Karen is a Certified Nutrition Consultant with a Master’s Degree in Holistic Nutrition. She enjoys sharing her knowledge to empower her clients to take control of their health with food and lifestyle choices.

Black Friday is the official kick-off of holiday shopping. No doubt, it can be a pretty crazy time for many shoppers. We’re talking hunting for parking, navigating crowds, waiting in line, and stressing over what to get that one person who has everything.

A Black Friday / Cyber Monday Energy Boost

Some people actually enjoy the day, considering it a sport to be the first in line to find the best prices and snag that must have toy. Remember the chaos Cabbage Patch dolls or Care Bears caused years back? Even watching the crowds on TV caused people at home a lot of stress.

For others, Black Friday is seen as a welcomed necessary opportunity, that one-day of the year to get most of your shopping done and score some amazing bargains. You simply duck your head and plow through the anxiety knowing there may be some remnant of peace and quiet once you’ve checked out.

Whether you love or hate Black Friday, here are some survival tips to keep you energized and in tiptop shape before going into shopping battle.

Stress can eat through the B vitamins in our body, so supplementing with a high-potency B Complex is a necessity. Taking one B complex with breakfast can replenish your stores. Carlson B-100 is a high-potency B complex that gets the job done.

Hydration brings on fatigue. Drink at least half of your body weight in ounces of water. So if you weigh 140 lbs., you should drink 70 ounces of water. Add one teaspoon of Ribose powder to a glass of water to support energy levels. Ribose also promotes muscle endurance for carrying around all those shopping bag.

With crowds come germs. There is no worse feeling than being in a crowded space, rubbing shoulders with strangers, and having someone near you start coughing or sneezing. A strong, healthy immune system is a must. Vitamin C and zinc both support a healthy immune system, while Vitamins A and E, along with Selenium, provide antioxidant protection. Carlson ACES+Zn contain all of these super nutrients. I recommend taking two daily to support the immune system.

One last tool in your healthy holiday arsenal needs to be a product called Totally Zen. It’s formulated with L-theanine, GABA, magnesium, vitamin C, and some B vitamins. Together these nutrients promote calmness and a healthy mood.

Now that you know how to tackle and recover from Black Friday – from a health prospective – enjoy the shopping day!