​Healthy Recipe Ideas with Farmers Market Finds ​Healthy Recipe Ideas with Farmers Market Finds

Jul 1st 2020

​Healthy Recipe Ideas with Farmers Market Finds

Written by Karen Roth, MSNC

Karen is a Certified Nutrition Consultant with a Master’s Degree in Holistic Nutrition. She enjoys sharing her knowledge to empower her clients to take control of their health with food and lifestyle choices.

July is a great time of year to find an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially at our local farmers’ markets. I want to share some of my favorite recipes made with produce I picked up at my local farmers' market.

Recipes From Local Produce

Beet Recipe

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Remove the tops, and save for sautéing, or adding to salads. Scrub the beets clean. Toss whole beets in olive oil with a generous pinch of salt. Place in a rimmed baking dish, then pour ½ c. of water in the dish, and cover with foil. Roast for 30-60 minutes depending on the size. Beets are fully cooked when you can pierce through them easily with a knife. Let cool, then use a paper towel to rub off the outer skin.

Dice the beets, and mix in 2 tbsp. of diced shallots. Drizzle with balsamic vinegar, and use the mixture to top a salad, spruce up quinoa, or spread over a sliced baguette. Goat cheese pairs well with beets, so feel free to top the beet and shallot mixture with it, or spread it over a sliced baguette before topping with the beet mixture.

Strawberry Recipe

Strawberries, especially this time of year, are divine. They’re super sweet and ruby red. Here’s a very simple recipe using strawberries as a dessert that will leave your family wanting more. Start with a healthy alternative to traditional whipped cream. I use Truwip because it’s low in sugar and free of high fructose corn syrup. Additionally, this product is free of trans fats, preservatives, artificial colors, and artificial flavors. If you want to get a little fancy, serve this up in a wine glass. Start by layering Truwhip, slivered almonds, and sliced strawberries. Repeat until glass is full, then top with a fresh mint leaf.

Swiss Chard Recipe

Swiss Chard is a beautiful green. And with this simple, yet elegant, recipe you’ll be packing your next dinner with a nutritional punch.


1 bunch of Swiss chard (ribs and stems removed)

2 tbsp. of avocado oil

2 shallots, sliced thinly

2 garlic cloves, finely chopped


2 tsp. of red wine vinegar


Cut Swiss chard stems into very small pieces. Tear leaves into 2" pieces, and rinse well. Heat oil in pan over medium-high heat. Add the garlic, shallots, and chard stems, and sprinkle with salt. Cook, stirring occasionally for approximately 2 minutes, until the stems start to soften up. Add chard leaves along with more salt. Continue to cook while stirring the leaves for another 3 minutes. Mix in red wine vinegar, and taste. More salt can be added if needed.