Lion's Mane: A Natural Ally for Enhanced Focus, Memory, and Mood(Post)
In the category of functional mushrooms, Lion's Mane is receiving overwhelming recognition. Known scientifically as Hericium erinaceus, this unique fungus has been celebrated not just for i ...
Beyond the Basics: Immune Support Supplements(Post)The basic immune support nutrients, including vitamins A, C, and D and minerals like magnesium, selenium, and zinc, are critical, but I also want to touch on other, lesser known nutrients that supp ...
Healthy Thanksgiving Side Dishes(Post)Fall is here and there’s nothing I look forward to more than Thanksgiving turkey and all of the delicious sides dishes. Even though I never eliminate the traditional mashed potatoes and gravy, I d ...
Vitamin D Sources for Vegans and Vegetarians(Post)Many of us are aware that vitamin D supports bone health, but may not know it offers many other health benefits such as promoting cardiovascular and mood health. About 42% of the US populat ...
Foods That Strengthen Our Immune System(Post)As we start heading into fall, it's a great time to support our immune system for the winter season. We can start with our diet and add supplements as needed. Antioxidant-Rich Foods and Vit ...
The Dirty Dozen and Clean 15(Post)When it comes to buying organic, here is the 2020 list of "The Dirty Dozen," which typically have high concentrations of pesticide residue and are best to buy organic, and "The Clean 15," which are t ...
Tips for Managing Comfort Food Cravings with New Year’s Resolutions(Post)As we make our way through the holidays, many of us crave comfort foods and may overindulge in meals high in fat, sugar, and/or carbohydrates. We tend to give ourselves a pass because the New Year is ...
Vitamin D3 Myths ‘D’-bunked(Post)Vitamin D3 has been a hot topic for that past few years for various reasons. But there are many misconceptions swirling around. Let's explore some fact from fiction.Vitamin D Fact vs. FictionEveryone ...
The Best Immune-Boosting Foods(Post)Our immune system protects us from outside invaders. We can support healthy immune system function daily starting with the foods we eat. Here are some of the most important nutrients for a strong imm ...
Vitamin D... Don’t be D-ficient! (Post)Vitamin D3 should be part of everyone’s core supplement regimen, along with omega-3s, a multivitamin, and probiotics. Vitamin D receptors are found everywhere in our body, from our immune cells to o ...
Vitamin D: Why We Need It & How to Get It(Post)Vitamin D3 has been a “hot” topic of discussion for the past few years, and the scientific research continues increasing regarding the crucial role it plays in our health and wellbeing. Vitamin D2 (e ...
Tips for a Fresh Start to a Healthier Lifestyle(Post)If you feel like many of us right now, it’s time for a fresh start and a healthier lifestyle. A total transformation may sound daunting, but it doesn’t have to be drastic. Taking a f ...