​Quick Tips for Actively Listening ​Quick Tips for Actively Listening

May 27th 2020

​Quick Tips for Actively Listening

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Active listening is more than just paying attention when someone else is speaking. It involves concentrating completely on what is being said and giving that person our full, undivided attention. Here are some tips for showing someone we are actively listening:

  • Making eye contact
  • Staying relaxed
  • Understanding the big picture
  • Avoiding interrupting
  • Avoiding daydreaming
  • Asking questions
  • Asking for clarification
  • Avoiding changing the subject
  • Being neutral and non-judgmental
  • Giving feedback

One of the best ways to show we are listening, to remember what we learned, and to ensure accurate follow-through is to conclude the conversation with a summary statement. We can say something like, “To make sure I’m understanding correctly…”

Poor listening habits may include interrupting, not making eye contact, being distracted, or daydreaming.